Wazzzaaapp!!! : IsRickMercerTheFunniestCanadianHollywoodOrNot

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[Mar-21-2004]: I'll do just about anything to wake that boy up. The thing is, Trev doesn't have an accent.

[Mar-20-2004]: Trevor - she's slaggin' ya! Attack!

JoanneSouaid: Yeah, he's funny but I can only take him in small doses. I've seen the show and while some of the stuff he does is great, sometimes he just bugs me. I think it's his accent. I have a thing about the sound of a person's voice. An oddity about me that I've only come to realize in the last 7 years. Weird.

Oh. This was about Mercer. Right.... ;-)

brunt : I think he is definitely up there. Thing that's killing me is that the show is definitely recognizeable as made by CBC. The cutaways to the shot from the audience that clearly don't match, the absolutely insulting laugh track, the shot from behind the performer, into the lights, in order to jump to the next line, etc. I'm also getting tired of the "CBC fake newscast, over the shoulder image, slide it out to the right and recentre the shot" routine. I mean, enough, already. I get the gag. Presentation of news = ripe for satire. Go farther.

Oh. This was about Mercer. He rocks. Only in Canada could a guy hang out on en empty parliament hill with Ed BRoadbent, making snow angels. Good stuff.

It is an open question as far as I am concerned.

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