Wazzzaaapp!!! : MIchelleOrange

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MichelleOrange, 24 July 2005: I met with this woman back in January when I was looking for under the table work. I spent about an hour with the family and was ready to kill myself, and it looks like not taking the job was the right choice.

TedBrunt, 9 July 2005: A slightly different perspective, but some of it is quite funny. I think we can all say we miss co-eds.

MichelleOrange, 4 July 2005: A cute love letter from one of the kids I tutor:

MichelleOrange, 20 June 2005: I don't know if life gets much better than finding a photo like this.

Have you guys done this yet?

TedBrunt, 6 May 2005: Aight, Orange. Where have u gone?
MichelleOrange I's here...I will see you all soon I hope, coming home to visit on the 17th. Ted, check your email...
TedBrunt I did. Wasn't aware you had photos like that of Jeremy. Thanks - will make them into t-shirts.

MichelleOrange, 6 April 2005: Can someone please explain this to me?
TedBrunt: Yes. This is what happens when you don't get your overbite fixed. Or your jeans mended.
JeremyRodgers: No Unicorns = ghey. That's all you need to know.

MichelleOrange, 31 March 2005: Fair warning, this kid may have "issues" in a few years.
TedBrunt: not to mention she's fugly.

MichelleOrange, 19 March 2005: This is a fun listen, especially the part with Ian Brown. It's called "Who's Canadian?" and it's got lots of Americans and Canadians talking about the differences and similarities and the strange prospect of being a Canadian living among Americans. This American Life is the name of the weekly radio program.

MichelleOrange, 17 March 2005: I have a piece up on Salon. happy drunk day!

MichelleOrange, 10 March 2005: I keep winning free songs at itunes but my computer is so crap that I am unable to download them, I just give them away. It really sucks. Here is one I will give away : BS7WES7MR4 Go here to get it. If you take it say that here and I will put up another code. But you gotta tell me what song you get and at least let me have some vicarious fun.
TedBrunt: Only works if you are on the US iTunes store.
MichelleOrange: Does that mean you can or cannot use them?
TedBrunt: Cannot. I don't think, anyway.

MichelleOrange, 8 March 2005: Who can guess who the guy on the left is? It blew my mind! It makes me think we should all post pictures ourselves from 1983 and see if the change is that drastic.
TedBrunt, 8 March 2005: That is so damn funny! I do not want any pictures from 1983 of me anywhere, thanks. Actually, I think I skipped most of my yearbook pictures for about 3 years. I guess for you, 1983 involved diapers?
MichelleOrange, 8 March 2005: Hardly in diapers..c'mon ted, how bad could the hair be? were you even scrawnier? you can't be scrawnier than ricky gervais. I see joanne as a pat benetar type...
JoanneSouaid, Mar 11, 2005: Uhhh...by Joanne, surely you don't mean me, right?
TedBrunt, 9 March 2005: Scrawnier? I am the same weight now that I was in '83....it's just more evenly distributed. And the hair was pretty awful, not that it's much better now. I find that it's easier to ignore when there is less of it. On the head, at least.

MichelleOrange, 6 March 2005: I miss you guys!! Post more stuff!!

[Nov-4-2004]: My friend Stephen Elliott has written a book about being on the campaign trail for a year leading up to the election. It got great reviews in the NYT and Esquire and other places, you might want to give it a read, if only because I'm mentioned in it...

[Nov-3-2004]: I'm thinking my stock with local American boys is about to go through the roof.

[Nov-1-2004]: This is a semi-funny letter from Canada to the U.S.

[Oct-24-2004]: For those of you who missed Ashlee Simpson's hilarious Milli Vanilli moment last night on SNL, take a look.
JoanneSouaid: And here's Avril Lavigne's take on it: go here

[Oct-16-2004]: John Stewart made an apparently hilarious appearance on Crossfire yesterday. I would give my eye teeth to see it, but I can't seem to make it happen. Maybe you can.
TedBrunt: yup. It's also all over bittorent.

Also, I had a list go up on McSweeney's, inspired by the nutty church in my old neighbourhood.

MichelleOrange: I saw Barbara Walters at dinner on Saturday night.

[Sep-23-2004]: MichelleOrange: a portrait

Also, I will be giving a reading on October 9th at this festival in Philadelphia.

Still can't get that gmail thing to work...

MichelleOrange: Creatively enough, it is michelleorange@gmail.com.
TedBrunt: Jer got me one! I'm now: shortpants@gmail.com. I tried to get trogdor_the_burninator but it was gone, as was teen_girl_squad sadly.
JeremyRodgers: luckily I was able to secure aquazilla@gmail.com before the hordes descended ;-) ( Still some invites left if anyone wants to try for shortypajamas@ or hurricane.<yournamehere>@ )
JoanneSouaid: Can someone fill me in on this? Is it the google email that you're talking about? If so, what's special about it? Not that I need yet another email address, but...why not?
JeremyRodgers: I have sent you a gmail invite. shortypajamas@gmail.com or hurricane.joanne@gmail.com, I wish you luck!
TedBrunt: Gmail gives you 1 GB of email storage. More than most companies give their employees.
JoanneSouaid: Ok...I got my gmail account all set up. It's gogo.jojo

[Sep-1-2004]: I finally got a gmail account, does anyone else here have one?
TedBrunt: So what is it? Jer got me mine: tbrunt@gmail.com. I think I need to be more creative in my email addresses. Jeremy, can I have another?

[Jun-21-2004]: Oranges.

[June-3-2004]: This list of mine was published yesterday on Ye Olde McSweeney's. Zzzzzzzz.

[May-10-2004]: this article in the New York Times mentions the Reading Series that I did in February, Happy Endings!

[May-5-2004]: I saw Mean Girls this weekend and it made me laugh. The theatre was filled with tween girls who sat either unamused or paralysed by fear at the sight of their future, so I was the only one laughing, but I enjoyed it enough. Tina Fey is good as a Math teacher and the Mathletes tournament is shot at Convocation Hall, where I graduated. You can listen to an interview with writer Tina Fey (head writer at SNL) and Lorne Michaels here.

[May-2-2004]: I'm super! Thanks for asking...

[Apr-26-2004]: Michelle is a wiki delinquent. Or she does not want us to know anything about NYU. I, for one, do not believe she is actually attending. I want evidence.

[Apr-14-2004]: So I just got word that the CBC offered to buy this radio piece I did. Phew.

[Mar-31-2004]: TrevorRoss: - This one is for you Michelle. It's not a cerebral word game but it's a fun one.

[Mar-30-2004]: Hi Jeremy. I bet your cat would hate me.

[Mar-28-2004]: I just want to say that I spent the better part of the last half hour writing a very funny post with celebrity sightings and lewd and lascivious links and supermodels but that my browser crashed right while I was uploading it and now I am going to sit under my desk and pout.

Can we see it now?

I say boxer-briefs...pork, if I remember correctly, is more grey than white, anyone raised a Catholic gets a free pass to write whatever they want. Would Philip Roth be such a perv if he wasn't raised a Jew? I don't know about that cheesecake thing, I suspect it's all hype...they sell these peanuts on streetcorners, the smell can travel 3 blocks in any direction and it's enough to ruin your nostrils for any other smell...and yet, they taste like shit. One of my many disappointments here...as for the Dad's cookies thing, yes you are a loser, although they get props for being one of the few mass produced brands that makes an oatmeal chocolate chip, my favourite cookie in the world.

Boxers or briefs? Does pork qualify as a white meat? Would John Irving have written what he did if he weren't raised Catholic? Is NY cheesecake really all the hot shit they say it is, or is it all hype and fluff? Am I a loser because I still prefer Dad's original chocolate chip cookies over all these Decadent things?

I feel like I haven't been posting enough, and so despite having nothing of note to show or tell, here I am. Perhaps I should field some questions...

Mar-7-2004]: Anyone here psyched about the Sopranos? I was but my viewing party just fell through and now I have no way to see it! I'm dyin' heyre!!!

Here's an interview with the creators of Homestar Runner. Hi Trevor!

I have a Literati addiction. Does anyone else play that? I play like once a day now. So if you're ever bored and it's about 10 o'clock, I'm usually good for a game.

Yesterday someone I know wrote Ralph Nader as "Nadar" by accident in a discussion about his announcement and it caused me to ponder a new piece of lingo that I hope will soon sweep the nation:

Nadar: an uncanny sense that a schmuck is going to ruin your chances of closing the deal. root word: Gaydar

Usage: "Her roommate set off my Nadar the first time we met, and sure enough every time my girlfriend and I are three songs into the CD and one layer away from touchdown she's knocking on the door about a cat crisis."

This is who I met with yesterday. We talked for four hours about a script idea and he gave me lots of good dirt about movies he's worked on. A really nice guy. I still can't figure out what he's doing talking to me.

Has anyone here (Ted) seen Miracle yet? I know it's about Americans but it's still hockey eh? When do we get our movie about kicking their asses? I have one die hard hockey dude who gave it two gloves up, off, and in your face. I think I may just see it.

Is anyone in Toronto doing "movieoke" yet?

Also, how do I get the date and time to show up for each post, like it does in Jeremy's? I'd try but my computer may burst into flames. Or my brain.

Jeremy is that a picture of your cat? Is your cat's head actually smaller than a lime??

I don't know if y'all would care about this, but Naomi Wolf is expected to accuse Harold Bloom of sexual harassment more than 20 years after the fact. I know you all love a good literary punch-up, you can read about it here:

Greg, you should post those cartoons we worked on and maybe we can brainstorm some more ideas taking advantage of all the jokesters hanging out here. (Greg and I worked on some New Yorker-style cartoons in the Fall, I have a contact at the magazine who passed them onto the cartoon editor, he wants to see more and we raelly should put together a packet of like 10 and officially send them in.)

Hi. This is Greg posting here.
Is it bad ettiquette to post in someone else's area?
Here are those cartoons...still working on the style.

I like this band The Unicorns, they've got a really unique sound.

I think I am responsible for erasing Ted's page. Me sorry. I was trying to follow instructions and somehow I screwed it all up. I'm sorry Ted!

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