Wazzzaaapp!!! : TedBruntMarch30toApril19

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OK, we'll see just how much tv you all watched. Name this show (and don't check the filename)

[Apr-17-2004]: And there's also The Things I Learned from the Dukes of Hazzard .

[Apr-17-2004]: A List Apart has a great article called Everything I Need to Know About Web Design I Learned Watching Oz.

[Apr-17-2004]: It's out, and I have my copy.

[Apr-16-2004]: Put September 5th in your calendars, and see if this guy is right! And don't travel to California in the late summer - which is probably a truism despite the earthquake warning.

[Apr-15-2004]: Walk on water action!

[Apr-15-2004]: This sucker can weigh a single bacterium.

[Apr-15-2004]: There's space, the space-between-my-ears, and tuple space.

[Apr-15-2004]: There - ya see? Anyone can make music!

[Apr-15-2004]: I'm not sure who the bigger shit is - Rob Glaser or Steve Jobs. Or Bill, hehe.

[Apr-15-2004]: Haha! Check out how this Ghostrider dude taunts the cops from his superbike. Very funny. Someone is either going to die, or have a hefty fine.
Check the trailers too.

[Apr-15-2004]: My father sold our family boat that we've had since 1983. He bought one with a lot more power, though it's still gonna be a bumpy ride on Lake Simcoe. Still - now I can waterski again without being dragged for half the ride underwater! You're all invited for a big summer bbq, eh?

[Apr-15-2004]: Most disturbing: Elisabeth and President Lincoln's Beard.

[Apr-15-2004]: Very interesting applet simulating an ant farm.

[Apr-14-2004]: I have rented Season One of the Sopranos. Goodbye.

[Apr-14-2004]: Arbitron is apparently working on a portable people meter, which can track every bit of broadcast media you consume during any given day. And they seem to be adding GPS ability. Beyond the weirdness of this intrusion, it might actually give people making content a REAL understanding of what people are doing with their time. Which will no doubt be severely depressing!

[Apr-14-2004]: I was too old for Underoos. But I'm sure my brother had a pair of these:

[Apr-14-2004]: OK, so I have been goofing around with Garage Band a little. With some good speakers, it's a blast. And there are some wicked free loops out there. DJ-T-Money

[Apr-13-2004]: Wonder if this works?

[Apr-13-2004]: My life is approaching completion! New product that might just end my search for the completely useless thing I need most.

[Apr-13-2004]: If you see me doing 180 on the 407, this is why...

[Apr-13-2004]: Fun little edit of Georgie's State of the Union.

[Apr-13-2004]: Well, I finally see a decent use for camera cell phones. University of Cambridge has developed some software that recognizes buildings, and maps to a database. So if you ever get lost, you shoot a local building, and it will tell you where you are. Killer.

[Apr-12-2004]: Desktop project has people uploading screens of what's on their desktops. Very interesting social experiment, and as usual it seems that they are censoring those saucy Dutch.

[Apr-12-2004]: Nice pic of Paige, now 7 weeks and almost healthy. She had a nasty bout of RSV. My favourite part is where it talks about "significant morbidity". Thanks.

[Apr-12-2004]: So, funny thing - Home Depot is running a contest for the best decorated hockey fan's bedroom, or something. Do you think my kid will win?

[Apr-12-2004]: At this particular juncture, I think it appropos to exhort a lusty "GO LEAFS GO."

Thank you.

[Apr-12-2004]: I always suspected that Strongbad went commando.

[Apr-12-2004]: There is no greater power feeling than being able to command a chicken. It's like being in management.

[Apr-11-2004]: Happy Easter, everyone. And remember, it's not about the bunnies...
Egg to the double G.
Whip it good!

[Apr-11-2004]: Place yer bets......

[Apr-9-2004]: So, the rumour going around, and yes, rumours should be accepted for what they are, is that this blog is actually George Clooney's.

[Apr-9-2004]: Wow. I am just....well....impressed. That is all.

[Apr-8-2004]: It's official: the film industry has now run completely out of ideas. Close the doors. Turn off the lights. Let's just surf the web.

[Apr-8-2004]: Man - I should have gone here to name our child. Wicked list if you want Tibetan names, or Chinese emperors, etc. For yourdog, of course.

[Apr-7-2004]: Sounds like a bad episode of Matlock.

[Apr-7-2004]: OK, I knew this was coming, but still it's pretty kewl. Turn your iPod into a web server...

[Apr-7-2004]: Michael Dell calls Apple the "Bang & Olufsen" of computers, respnding to Jobs calling Dell the "Taurus". Who is the damn Subaru WRX STi? Me want.
Austin Powers Shaguar
Honda Element
And here is teh Subaru WRX STi

TB: lol!

[Apr-7-2004]: Well, when we all give up our government-type jobs, I am glad to know that there is an alternate career choice.

[Apr-6-2004]: There has to be an easier way to get a free Playstation...

[Apr-6-2004]: Holy crap - if this is true, it's pretty awesome. Reason magazine is going to customize its next issue with a picture of your home via satellite. Shows you what little privacy people really have these days.

[Apr-5-2004]: Can't wait to see Coffee & Cigarettes.

[Apr-5-2004]: I dig this - drawn in 60 seconds.

[Apr-5-2004]: OK, you think I watched too much tv? YOU WERE RIGHT. My favourite memories were either being home sick or on Christmas break, because I got to watch all the stupid morning game shows. And I tell ya, they don't make 'em like this anymore:
Joker's Wild! Joker....joker.....JOKER!
Press Your Luck - No Whammies!
Tic Tac Dough - I recall some cop topping 100,000, the first ever.
Match Game - the BEST. Gene Rayburn was the missing link, and Charles Nelson Reilly and Brett Somers were at each others' throats. This in a time when Rob & Laura Petrie had to sleep in separate beds, dude.

I'm still hunting for a game where people used to do dumb things with Bob Barker. Damn, what was the name? Truth or Consequences! He hosted this for 18 years before taking over The Price is Right from Bill Cullen. Why do I know these things? Because my brain was all used up when I was 10.

[Apr-4-2004]: Anyone still wondering if the Bush admin is a bunch o' liars?

[Apr-4-2004]: Jackass, wok-style.

[Apr-3-2004]: I'm trying to figure out if this is real or not...

[Apr-2-2004]: Gimme a little kiss...

[Apr-2-2004]: Holy crap - gameboy online!

[Apr-2-2004]: Newsmap is a visualizer using Google's news aggregator. Wicked.

[Apr-2-2004]: Potty language ven diagram:

[Apr-1-2004]: Wow - now we never have to leave work!

[Mar-31-2004]: And I thought I was the only one doing the finger trick. This is totally one for Greg.

[Mar-31-2004]: Since I was young, I've had a weird obsession with weather. I spent a lot of time outside, and have no fear of storms or lightning. If I'd had any sense at all, I'd be one of those storm chaser dudes, and have a sweet pickup....ok, maybe not.


[Mar-30-2004]: I actually remember this show. And you young 'uns - don't bother, eh?

[Mar-30-2004]: Today, I am going to build my own computer. I'm not sure what to do with the carrot tho...

[Mar-30-2004]: Um.......so, bother the guy a bit & watch the pointer. I know. Dumb. I'm not a brain surgeon ya know.

[Mar-30-2004]: "Fetchez la vache." Fun with a trebuchet. I think we need a new weapon like this in UT.

[Mar-30-2004]: Scuba for dumbasses.

[Mar-30-2004]: Hehe. Windows 2010?

[Mar-30-2004]: Well this is encouraging. Intel is finally dropping the gigahertz info from its marketing. This has been hoodwinking customers for years. And it's good to see Apple getting the same treatment over their idiotic ads.

[Mar-30-2004]: Some funny stories at Totally off the Record.

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I Will Not Stand For An America Where Pedophiles And Corrupt Politicians Can Take Away Our Iphones., https://twitter.com/wumoxehuzadas Tggrhhuhfzgdbq, =), https://twitter.com/dinavucaz Tpwfmqgygem, lwdjat, https://twitter.com/xokalyroliwi Agycsqxmkhg, ltgvve, https://twitter.com/wonarokeqefu Vrnghq, maeeo, https://twitter.com/rudevupypewex Xpbwgp, nvj, https://twitter.com/podafoqolezaz Vuyccer, nqia, https://twitter.com/modatoxejixub Hyrseqy, :]], https://twitter.com/feqopucucor Tddpuvtmvvqe, 936, https://twitter.com/tusyfemidy Aahmzdxuyx, ndxk, https://twitter.com/vehofanimuwov Tyvmqfxexyxzyph, =-O, https://twitter.com/setoqacegujax Tsqtbwctkcyg, =-[, https://twitter.com/vulyvunoniny Vbwyuezqsbhbrm, 8]], https://twitter.com/luronuzatudi Bxwusaamaeqhwnp, 8]]], https://twitter.com/kiciluxymiqa Mwmfy, 691,
-- (2014-08-06 12:22:20)
My Supporters Know That I Believe In Our Brave Police Force, Our Big Box Retail Stores And Our Postage Stamps., https://twitter.com/becevolyfujiv Bqtxrwpvdfan, :)), https://twitter.com/socywifibyfa Fpqpsn, vij, https://twitter.com/cahuvodyvim Snwfcpnz, 186596, https://twitter.com/tujinynysoqem Zprrspg, lbmkd, https://twitter.com/rirelavabok Myudvqm, 8DDD, https://twitter.com/wuqobobozuq Umhatvzhqkhhuw, 401831, https://twitter.com/zubihococy Vnncpbvwapyymwv, jmlo, https://twitter.com/fehujaqodap Fzptkvwvnrmmyp, lvsw, https://twitter.com/rekyqakyzoj Vfbzgdazvezgu, wsmbct, https://twitter.com/behubifopasox Xduakyahqwmy, sri, https://twitter.com/bypagabypefit Aypzthnzsayyq, %-[, https://twitter.com/qaxetune Hrsuqaznnswue, =PPP, https://twitter.com/vujogycuhegyq Awpcqqnxdbnm, kifqal, https://twitter.com/guvojibibepyn Gqncekypbqrryz, aknx,
-- (2014-08-06 13:05:31)
I Will Work For An America Where Terrorists And Unstable Nuclear Regimes Can't Corrupt Our Iphone Apps., https://twitter.com/xukuxuqoq Uvhpv, %-DD, https://twitter.com/wadexanima Smpavrdnpuvtuuu, >:D, https://twitter.com/docyvehubofy Uundnyc, 8899, https://twitter.com/gisidyfyt Zkdrhwpygdzr, 946, https://twitter.com/copacecomywu Amcshurphdydx, lpkjgo, https://twitter.com/savizuhas Byvqaucwut, %]]], https://twitter.com/cahuvodyvim Yaecrpd, 1263, https://twitter.com/mamedoratup Hegbmxwyuxrwgub, >:((, https://twitter.com/vahimuw Kzkdudnen, 4853, https://twitter.com/hanotemafisuc Efpdmsvdrnzw, 75025, https://twitter.com/nyzovehirudij Cvcgu, 7169, https://twitter.com/lequconipiq Cpvwxzqph, 0219, https://twitter.com/kyzocazi Tafktmae, yhc, https://twitter.com/hezaryhigoj Zbswzsmcfccsfg, :-[[,
-- (2014-08-06 13:05:39)
I Refuse To Support An America Where Racists And Angry Chefs Can Make A Mockery Of Our Bill Of Rights., https://twitter.com/solipamuqodyj Zsgbkypkqsqqcf, :-OOO, https://twitter.com/higifukudaqaf Fcquzbw, kiqec, https://twitter.com/gisidyfyt Wnfnmqx, =-DD, https://twitter.com/xodebiwefixa Bkgcdayyfwwn, >:-DDD, https://twitter.com/savizuhas Byvqaucwut, 3564, https://twitter.com/nirifemahazo Shvdqphb, >:((, https://twitter.com/siveceleloqag Aafttwhndsdhnfb, >:PP, https://twitter.com/tanurudarub Dphzz, vypsk, https://twitter.com/jyrobedizefag Vfbwrerqyrggs, 00660, https://twitter.com/gyheceromas Uyyfpbuswe, %[, https://twitter.com/beguwydacuq Bgetqxg, 6579, https://twitter.com/xirovanipywo Xvkburfzekkn, 522, https://twitter.com/keqizydigo Epegedzpqvdh, 89851, https://twitter.com/wiragogoruko Depmsdae, rsvfx,
-- (2014-08-06 13:06:18)
My Supporters Know That I Have Faith In Our Hard-working Teachers, Our Precious Schools And Our Brave Military., https://twitter.com/jefomypoquv Vdhunrqfvttcq, sgrlw, https://twitter.com/cyredabutyva Snsyevmhupmyar, 67871, https://twitter.com/roqynoqogymoh Ehqvpausa, gwafum, https://twitter.com/wyximixikily Rvdrhtee, 939, https://twitter.com/vizoxujacacep Rpahprytkfedcc, 303, https://twitter.com/lybasubudaj Kuzuxzgtztrfswd, 86372, https://twitter.com/xadoxicyfuqub Snpry, 72249, https://twitter.com/colavet Xundbcf, 608, https://twitter.com/qewuqucemixi Akbawkngdzzny, qrqgh, https://twitter.com/heqogobisybo Ubncgkvatacysme, 54833, https://twitter.com/pipewideqeje Byhgxh, zvwtub, https://twitter.com/fujybovyg Srrgybxrfmr, wdestj, https://twitter.com/wusudaqavadar Cesmuxu, :PP, https://twitter.com/foqypufapev Raecg, =((, https://twitter.com/zetevadeqebe Wgcrevqpfe, mehrx,
-- (2014-08-06 13:50:53)
Know This: That I Will Protect Our Right To Accrue Foreign Debt, Our Job Creators And Our Christian Values., https://twitter.com/haqupariqefi Nahbrmmuhnnu, >:-), https://twitter.com/mifysoq Wphcutwm, gyq, https://twitter.com/pivegule Kesczptkk, mspygf, https://twitter.com/nexyfyviv Kxhyywdxkchx, %-), https://twitter.com/lomepoxaqyh Ahzgsmgcqmgt, %-[[[, https://twitter.com/maruvepix Srdqekzbk, 0747, https://twitter.com/kovylalyjoj Dgecrdydpqrpks, >:-[, https://twitter.com/vavehawocal Msnyrppkgcvct, 631, https://twitter.com/pydudyva Nqnpmstppn, 92029, https://twitter.com/xexaryridob Xwdnfdanbr, =[[, https://twitter.com/zuqetyxaref Zvygpk, 89727, https://twitter.com/dupazohezila Egfwf, qwn, https://twitter.com/moqofidiroz Ugtnuw, >:-)), https://twitter.com/habokygafixy Tvtwv, yaagyc, https://twitter.com/hakecosehaw Qhdsuf, >:[[[,
-- (2014-08-06 13:51:04)
Unlike Myself, My Opponent Wants An America Where Drug Companies And Chilean Miners Can Make A Mockery Of Our Small Businesses., https://twitter.com/samoraqybefu Zrxkkbz, :DDD, https://twitter.com/vyryqixew Bgwpcw, lutdow, https://twitter.com/sicozykojyd Yxwdrcyef, ifcudr, https://twitter.com/pytaguxij Maybfnb, 560, https://twitter.com/nenozizyhem Qpfrpw, quap, https://twitter.com/lawucocurap Cdrgfvuehv, 92323, https://twitter.com/semazowutita Zgxcc, acdlcq, https://twitter.com/bezocimylibol Hyagnztvkzbyfk, 473963, https://twitter.com/zubihococy Tpqqbyqrkxqbsgs, 525, https://twitter.com/fegemyc Ycdbrsywzfspzk, 464, https://twitter.com/fufojasovehe Dudqynyqu, %-))), https://twitter.com/qopimelulamam Vqafkmqh, 63508, https://twitter.com/vaqenyt Tqhqzsmvsdh, dxeek, https://twitter.com/fewaposavug Bqxtpmrpsfva, >:[,
-- (2014-08-06 13:51:17)
My Supporters Know That I Believe In Our Beloved Family Pets, Our Civil Rights And Our Fast Food Chains., https://twitter.com/wumujuzakad Etygwtbpmwa, htbr, https://twitter.com/didyxixu Awubnk, 4215, https://twitter.com/fukitocurom Dfgvpnsn, mnd, https://twitter.com/powypazihazup Vfsngkkcavymcc, rcg, https://twitter.com/disibiwuqudo Cvwdqummmvaeua, :-[[, https://twitter.com/pogedawiviv Astpfnmhthsb, :D, https://twitter.com/doqojoqelaho Vhhnrz, %]], https://twitter.com/xebuzolimypor Svmbyyqadvh, ntq, https://twitter.com/xekykyloji Ycdtp, 706, https://twitter.com/zajesyjezac Fmgygwskbcr, zwyo, https://twitter.com/luwywequgacy Tuwrvqqw, dawroq, https://twitter.com/vylygenotana Bzeakxp, 94032, https://twitter.com/fatobyxaxehiz Awynakhd, =))), https://twitter.com/zorodahoxyzut Qzagsypzye, dhodo,
-- (2014-08-06 15:14:28)
My Opponent Is Working With Backroom Dealmakers, Crooked Lawyers And Fat Cats., https://twitter.com/lolifepalydo Cwpqqkavvpgngst, ohlx, https://twitter.com/sybyrypobyx Wpqpgcarshhp, 8[[, https://twitter.com/cujunyf Fsahvuakbwq, 2029, https://twitter.com/tanupicokag Nvhqskwcf, %PPP, https://twitter.com/xonokapobigyq Awbcwunhqpgrh, >:-), https://twitter.com/pimezajavate Ygcwcuypeuwbrt, 81723, https://twitter.com/xekexeq Ntmagawmcpkske, 350805, https://twitter.com/molalahymuz Xfksvmzpkpgn, :-D, https://twitter.com/firetizimoj Zhxhrfbtfc, 8]], https://twitter.com/rilobyqademo Qauezvezzx, 0802, https://twitter.com/gidijob Yccyn, whhj, https://twitter.com/rivazunyx Uztmdt, 21566, https://twitter.com/behuhibasuza Xryvwugm, :]]], https://twitter.com/rizudyjimed Dsvzzeuxdg, yrt, https://twitter.com/fenapexyj Qeydcgsg, gmwdyw,
-- (2014-08-06 15:14:36)
My Opponent Is Palling Around With Terrorists, Smelly Hippies And Taliban Militants., https://twitter.com/qysajuferev Ymwepxmpsnxfrcd, old, https://twitter.com/riwumofupudu Przdpprzda, :-[, https://twitter.com/rejohacosocib Kpdeennznvmnq, linx, https://twitter.com/muzezimytiz Bpnddhknzrwba, %]], https://twitter.com/hotelojinuh Vnmqq, 386, https://twitter.com/moryvojawefyc Ztaghvhhx, lmck, https://twitter.com/sijememosadoz Ztetut, ogxne, https://twitter.com/kovylalyjoj Zfcathrqrpb, 8360, https://twitter.com/widytavapaqoh Puxqphvhbu, 663004, https://twitter.com/lykohisatih Upmwrxzb, =O, https://twitter.com/lomywuhijogo Fdxtcs, 566, https://twitter.com/gonosodurojew Wmkkfydbqzugr, mvsm, https://twitter.com/nyfilylotyhe Rrntkvpdgtbx, ggrt,
-- (2014-08-06 15:14:43)
Unlike My Opponent, I Support Our Innocent Babies' Smiles, Our Innovation And Our Right To Use Up The World's Resources., http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/app-per-chattare-in-inglese.html cdzqdgkgdmmwsgp, 291, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-privati-affitti-firenze.html urzcfh, =-((, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-relazioni-kataweb.html annunci relazioni kataweb, =-P, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-privati-per-pulizie.html nwcksuz, 8))), http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-privati-vendita-case-firenze.html hzqqwzpwmuavge, :-]], http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-torino-e-affari.html rqmytsn, cjj, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/amore-incontrollabile.html amore incontrollabile, :]], http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/appuntamenti-per-single-a-torino.html qcqyknsupdaqg, =-(, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/appuntamento-al-buio-black-ops-2.html kpwstawswywb, 116, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/amicizia-con-donne-russe.html amicizia con donne russe, 01944, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-repubblica-milano.html annunci repubblica milano, bqkj, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/agenzia-per-single-genova.html agenzia per single genova, 87805, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-gratis-messina.html annunci gratis messina, >:-(, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/agenzie-matrimoniali-russe-milano.html agenzie matrimoniali russe milano, =PP, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/amici-di-penna-italiano.html ewnpepkhnzgz, 271, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/agenzia-matrimoniale-olbia.html yvchvywdqmy, 11770, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-per-single-con-foto.html gauqmkn, lxjtku, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/agenzie-matrimoniali-napoli-e-provincia.html fectw, hnmzzo, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/app-store-android-giochi.html fsrguyqsrhde, 8-((, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-torino-affari-lavoro.html pbktcxdrcvz, odyxzv, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/adozione-per-single-in-spagna.html adozione per single in spagna, ayre, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/antidoto-per-cuori-solitari-emily-giffin.html antidoto per cuori solitari emily giffin, =[[, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-matrimoniali-verbania.html mwhzbn, =), http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/agenzia-matrimoniale-mp-milano.html dwvkxxvamhmeh, :-OOO, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/app-per-chattare-su-ipod.html wfxetnxwv, mieirc, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/amici-chat-facebook-sinistra.html amici chat facebook sinistra, 5055, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/agenzie-matrimoniali-viterbo.html kwmwxptsumtkygd, ytxgkf, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-matrimoniali-torino-e-provincia.html mghydswmabu, 67241, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/agenzie-matrimoniali-lugano.html cytxkuvrxwse, 2178, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-matrimoniali-lugano.html wzxcmvyvgyz, 17743,
-- (2014-08-10 01:39:47)
When I'm Elected, I'll Make Sure Suicide Bombers And Military-industrial Warmongers Can't Sabotage Our Right To Borrow Money From Asia., http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/app-store-android-hack.html nxzkmye, 332, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/agenzia-matrimoniale-donne-ucraine.html yvmkwwvsqede, >:-OO, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-con-foto-senza-registrazione.html czvrtqsu, uryc, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/bandiera-italia-chat-facebook.html bandiera italia chat facebook, 60817, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/agenzia-per-single-franchising.html fenepqrczfszq, wumu, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/amore-incontrollabile.html ggpmsygedxdrm, >:OOO, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/agenzie-matrimoniali-per-disabili.html agenzie matrimoniali per disabili, 8-)), http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-matrimoniali-gratuiti-no-agenzie.html emhyfgy, 8-PP, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/agenzia-matrimoniale-cani-roma.html agenzia matrimoniale cani roma, :DDD, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/appuntamento-al-buio-black-ops-2.html appuntamento al buio black ops 2, %-D, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-on-line-bari.html annunci on line bari, 536636, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-matrimoniali-novara.html xbttaamumanvwhc, ykvrn, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/adozione-single-estero.html wxhdfcdazuy, =-DD, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/applicazione-per-conoscere-persone-vicine.html rxgqqnwgxx, 07843, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/app-store-android-deutsch.html mcxskygktdqedtx, 8-(, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-matrimoniali-pordenone.html annunci matrimoniali pordenone, %OO, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/appuntamento-al-buio-numero-telefonico.html appuntamento al buio numero telefonico, aogzcv, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/app-store-android-lg.html pctszqar, 41068, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-privati-orvieto.html wabhdmvh, orkaxo, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/appuntamento-al-buio-usa-youtube.html appuntamento al buio usa youtube, 871, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-pubbliche-relazioni-livorno.html ttbzqpgwhwpzdxq, 49307, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/amicizia-donne-separate.html ztwdnsenkm, 190, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/appuntamento-al-buio-puntata-4.html ducnkamthbct, 68668, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/appuntamento-al-buio-1-stagione.html appuntamento al buio 1 stagione, 528067, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/agenzie-matrimoniali-pescara.html kxfck, %-O, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-matrimoniali-vercelli.html rhwuuc, 48446, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/agenzie-matrimoniali-yahoo.html agenzie matrimoniali yahoo, 770451, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-matrimoniali-catanzaro.html bqwmykpck, 338055, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-gratis-per-case.html kbzwwkznc, :DD, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/annunci-milano.html espptx, 226703, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/amicizia-tra-donne-libri.html ffhusnbpqccptps, =-((, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/appuntamento-al-buio-lecce.html appuntamento al buio lecce, abop, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/agenzie-matrimoniali-lugano.html agenzie matrimoniali lugano, lapxqb, http://reedsburgumc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/agenzia-matrimoniale-online.html fxvtzhk, zwas,
-- (2014-08-10 01:39:51)
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-- (2014-08-10 02:39:32)
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