Wazzzaaapp!!! : JoanneSouaidMarch12to22

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Oldest known version of this page was edited on 2004-03-25 22:16:01 by JoanneSouaid []
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4) Ted: Read it, just in case it's true. ;-)

3) For girls only

2) Here's another converter for time. I have friends in Australia (both coasts) and friends in the U.K. and it drives me crazy when I have to always figure out what time it is in their woods.

1)Here, Ted -- so you can remind yourself and everyone else when your birthday is. ;-)
TedBrunt: So THAT'S how you do it! But I'd need to remember when birthdays actually are to enter them in....
JoanneSouaid: 06/09. There. That's one less. Actually, I haven't used this site yet. I will probably need this site when I'm around 80 -- if I live that long. Afterall, someone just might kill me before too long for being such a pest about reminding them year after year that they're getting older. ;-)

[Mar-21-2004]: Trailers -- one of my dream jobs

I liked the first movie, but I'm unsure about seeing the sequel now that I've practically seen the entire movie in the trailer. Never liked these kinds of trailers. Borrrring.
I'm trying to figure out the purpose of this one.
This movie is based on Arthur, but I don't think he's supposed to know, so let's just keep it between you and me. Again, blah trailer, though.
One of the best trailers I ever saw was for "The Shining." This one wasn't bad considering it was a trailer.

[Mar-19-2004]: Would you buy this if it was, say, $12 and, perhaps a different colour like white and didn't have the words on the front but was just plain?

[Mar-19-2004]: Can I have some syrup wit dat?

[Mar-18-2004]: Hey Ted...don't you know this guy?

Ted: Yup! Cory is an old friend. Can you believe that he was all set to create a web site for SNAM, but Duprey didn't want to pony up some cash to cover his time? I also had him set to do an Imprint site, but aain TVO didn't want to fork it over. He was one of our best members on TVO Online, and contributed a lot to discussions. He's all about public space, the Internet, and has a huge addiction to Disney World for some reason. I heard that Cory was all set to be the head geek at BBC (he just moved to London), but he wanted to stay on at the EFF. This guy is about to win a major sci-fi award, too. He's a total rock star, plugged in, geekoid. And I think he's only just turned 30 or something. You can check boingboing, or hit his personal site, Craphound.

[Mar-18-2004]: I guess JeremyRodgers won't be visiting Ireland anytime soon unless it's before March 29th.

[Mar-18-2004]: Oh Pul-EEZE


Get a life, people. If not a life, then try to get some perspective.

[Mar-18-2004]: I think that Strong Bad is really Dimme in disguise. Seriously. Listen to the accent. It definitely has some Dutch undertones. Take away the helmet, change the colour of his eyes, remove the raspiness from his voice, and blammo! You have Dimme. Yeah, yeah...I know what you're thinking. Dimme seems to be this nice, happy-go-lucky kind o' guy, but I'm tellin' you...there's some serious anger in his persona deep down. If Dimme wants to dispell the rumour, let him try.

[Mar-17-2004]: It's a bunch o' Blarney

Ok everyone...In the spirit of this day filled of green, Guinness, anything celtic, and all that Irish history, pucker up!

I never did visit the Stone. Instead I went-a-wishin' [[here:

[Mar-16-2004] I'm thinking of converting

Ever have one of those brain-dead moments and you just don't know the answer? Well, it happened to me today when I was told by my high-speed provider that I actually had a limit to the amount I could download from the internet. My limit? 2 Gigs. Funny...I was really disappointed, wondering if I had already gone over the limit. He said I was no where near it. And here I thought I was downloading left, right, and centre when all along I was barely scratching the surface.

So, then it occurred to me that I had forgotten just how many megabytes are in a gig. DOH!

I'm also hoping to take a quick trip to NY city in early summer and naturally I thought...if I have $112.50 Canadian, how much money would that be in American currency. Ew.

[Mar-16-2004]: My mood today (yummmmmmm....*sigh*....splash....ker-plunk):

[Mar-15-2004]: My mood today (seriously, this is it):

[Mar-14-2004]: I ended up seeing the movie Love, Sex, and Eating the Bones this afternoon. It was very cute and not bad for a Canadian film. Plenty of eye candy for the boys, that's for sure.

[Mar-14-2004]: Has anyone ever been to this store? I have to find a place that sells nice comfy arm chairs as well as a nice dining room set and someone passed this place along to me. I didn't think it would take this long to find something for my place, but it is. Ikea is great for some things, but chairs isn't turning out to be one of them, for me.

[Mar-12-2004]: I'm surprised that no one is writing/talking about the Todd Bertuzzi incident here. When I googled it, all I got was this. Ah well, curiosity got the best of me and searched some more and I found out that he's 6' 3", weighs 245, shoots left, and was Born Feb 2, 1975 in Sudbury. I didn't think he was that old, for some reason.
Some interesting comments from the man himself:
"I don't play the game that way. I'm not a mean-spirited person. I'm sorry for what happened."
I'm still trying to figure out how it all started. I heard that the grudge started at a previous game, but never heard the details.
Oy. What a mess.

My mood today:
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