Wazzzaaapp!!! : GregMarshall

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Oldest known version of this page was edited on 2005-04-05 16:04:53 by JoanneSouaid []
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Trevor, I was looking for that surfing torrent...came across this video...it's crazy.

Animaniacs had some great songs. Ted, you will like these. If you only listen to 2, the "WORLD" and the "UNIVERSE" are really good.
TedBrunt: Hehe - I love them all! There used to be a double CD from the show, but it's hard to find these days. Anvilania is great too.

Kinda cute...I like the 2d world meeting 3d world thing. I think he put the racoon's tail on the wrong side of his body though.
JoanneSouaid: Uhhhhh, Greg? That's not his tail. Doh!

The Virgin Mary appears on a grilled cheese sandwich

Ever noticed how much Yasser Arafat looked like Ringo Star?

When you go to Pitchfork media, they have replaced their homepage with this graphic.

Jon Stewart was on CNN's Crossfire on Friday and he blasts CNN for a whole half hour on Live TV...it's excellent. You can read the transcript on CNN's website but here is the video. Sometimes you have to love the internet.
JoanneSouaid: Thanks for that link, Greg!! Awesome, AWESOME!!


Here are a few pics of our new record player.

the console

JeremyRodgers: That is great! looks like cherry wood. you have to have another party to honour it. BYOV (bring your own vinyl)

I was looking at the lid to my coffee cup yesterday. Who designs this stuff? It looks like an airlock or something out of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Some nice caricatures

Chris Ware

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